SEO Packages

About SEO Packages


$10,000/ M

    Number of Keywords

  • 5 Keywords
  • What We Do

  • Website Audit & Analysis
  • Competitor & Keyword Research
  • On Page SEO
  • Optimize Google My Business
  • Link Building
  • AdWords/ PPC/ Paid Advertisement
  • Reporting

  • On Page SEO Report
  • Link Building Report
  • Keywords Ranking Report
  • Traffic Source, Behavior & Conversion
  • Monthly Reporting


$20,000/ M

    Number of Keywords

  • 15 Keywords
  • What We Do

  • Website Audit & Analysis
  • Competitor & Keyword Research
  • On Page SEO
  • Optimize Google My Business
  • Link Building
  • Social Media Marketing
  • AdWords/ PPC/ Paid Advertisement
  • Reporting

  • On Page SEO Report
  • Link Building Report
  • Keywords Ranking Report
  • Traffic Source, Behavior & Conversion
  • Monthly Reporting